Diversity means being composed of differing elements or people. It’s an everlasting characteristic of every establishment, community, workplace, or nation. And yet, it can be the cause of exclusion of certain groups from the rest of the population – an exclusion that robs dignity, security, and the opportunity to lead a better life.
Recovering from a global pandemic, we are faced with a similar situation where many people are deprived of basic nutritional needs. To usher acceptance, inclusion, and empowerment amongst the masses, we need to do our bit. The step is small yet impactful – food donation.
Online food donation is a symbolic representation of recognizing individuals with all their uniqueness and differences. The barriers that prevent them from becoming a part of political, educational, economic, and/or social affairs can be many in number and variety. But a simple acknowledgment with healthy food can replenish both health and hope.
People First
Why is it important? The answer is long and despairing. We cannot turn a blind eye towards what is happening around us in this era of digital connectedness. According to the World Bank’s Environmental and Social Framework (ESF), social inclusion is pivotal in achieving sustainable growth. Even the World Economic Forum states that above-average diversity leads to 20% higher revenue for companies. Acceptance, empowerment, and inclusion are “determinants of health” for individuals as well as the nation. Without a shared understanding of acceptance, people miscommunicate, regress, and marginalize. Without collective empowerment, a nation cannot have an upward growth trajectory.
To combat such plaguing circumstances, we need to donate online. Food donation can help inculcate a sense of fairness, safety, belongingness, and growth. It is the next step from simply welcoming diversity, to making efforts for its sustenance.
The Truest Value of a Gift is the Value Behind it
All online charity donations improve the ability, opportunity, and dignity of those disadvantaged. But what’s better than filling the belly of the underprivileged? With specially packaged food, you send off a gift that warms the heart, puts a smile on faces, and allows for a good night’s slumber. This humble contribution doesn’t even need added expenses or efforts and ensures direct delivery of meals to the needy. Furthermore, stimulus packages designed to counterbalance the widening social gaps can also guard against creating new forms of exclusion. And that holds much promise for inclusion in the broader society.
Wrap your gifts with Annamrita
We bridge the gap between you and the needy. We ensure that your donation reaches its destination in the form of hygenic, nutritious meals. A GoI-partnered secular organization, Annamrita strives to create an atmosphere of inclusion and acceptance by replacing hunger with hope.
Having served over 1.3 crore meals across 14 cities with unwavered quality, Annamrita is a top NGO in India that delivers nutrition on a non-profit basis. Help us fight hunger and weave nurturing threads around the community.
For more information about our programs, contact us at info@annamrita.org or call on 022-23531530
Make a food donation here.