Illiteracy and malnutrition – are the two undeniable conditions faced by India. While almost
35 million children between the age of 6-14 years fail to attend school, 34.7% of the children
under the age of 5 years are stunted.
If you are wondering which one is more important, then let us tell you – both are! While
several might doubt the link between illiteracy and hunger, there’s an irrefutable link to it.
And the government of India in association with several children NGOs is striving to resolve
these conditions.
Even today, millions of children go without food and remain out of school. These are
significant social issues plaguing the modern-day nation, and effective actions are required.
Let’s start with the individual importance!
What is the importance of education for underprivileged children?
Education is a tool empowering communities as well as individuals to turn around their
lifestyles. Education has the potential to disrupt the inter-generational series of poverty. It
acts as a great enabler, equipping individuals with skills and knowledge to engage in
meaningful professions. This in return, helps them to enhance their socio-economic well-
being, as well as, contribute to the betterment of society.
Education not only creates better communities and citizens but also ensures spurring of
quality enterprise and employment.
Moreover, the patriarchal mindset of society creates a hurdle for girl child education. Girls
are often regarded as family caretakers and deprived of education. However, there’s
educational importance for girls as well. A girl child’s education is boon to the family. It
eradicates unfair social evils, improves the education of the next generation, and betters the
future of the family.
While as many as 84 million underprivileged children continue to battle illiteracy, children
NGOs in India take strong measures in spreading awareness across different stakeholders to
ensure that the benefits of education touch the needy.
What is the importance of nutrition for underprivileged children?
Many people think quality nutrition can help maintain body weight. However, the benefits of
nutrition go way beyond weight. Balanced nutrition can help boost memory, enhance
concentration, develop quality social skills, support the immune system, increase energy
levels, and many more. A well-nourished child is more likely to be productive and ready to
learn than a malnourished one.
Vital nutrients such as carbohydrates, protein, calcium, iron, vitamins A, C, and D, etc are a
critical part of a child’s health. Better nutrition means better skill development, more
production, and an opportunity to gradually evade the cycle of poverty.
While 16% of kids in India are emaciated, children NGOs in India are striving to provide
healthy, nutritious, regular meals to them by replacing hunger with faith and hope.
Now, let’s see how both nutrition and education are interlinked and equally important for
underprivileged children!
It is quite astonishing to think what a child consumes at an early age affects their educational
ability at a later stage. And research has proved the fact. Undernourished children tend to get
sick more often, fail to concentrate on studies, memorize lessons and develop skills faster.
Children NGOs India are continuously striving to provide nourishment to underprivileged
children. So that they can study and earn for their family to get a better life ahead, and break
the course of poverty.
Annamrita Foundation, as one of the leading children NGOs in India, is providing access to
quality education and nutrition to underprivileged children, over the past few decades. In
association with the government of India, Annamrita provides mid-day meal programs to
government-aided as well as Non-aided schools on a non-profit basis.
The mid-day meal program not only bridges the gap between the poor and the food but also
helps them to avoid child labor and get a quality education.
Annamrita has already served over 1.3 crore meals across 14 cities with unwavering
Help Annamrita Foundation fight hunger and illiteracy and spin nurturing bonds
encompassing the community.